Channel: PaperART 013
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: paper art 013educationhow to make origamiorigamipop artpaper folding crafteducation origamidiyart and learncreative artanimals origamidrawinglearn origamiorigami koalaanimalsorigami animalsgiraffe academypaper foldingpaper folding techniqueartaustralian giraffeaustraliaeducation origami languageeasy origami animalseasy origamionline theraphyorigami giraffegiraffeorigami easycreativity frequencymodular origamitheraphy
Description: Today I will make you a ORIGAMI GIRAFFE out of paper. Let's make a beautiful example of origami animal together. If you like these works and want to support me, don't forget to like and share my videos.